2025 Order Information and Changes
- White Leghorn chicks shipping from Meyer Hatchery
- Buff Silkie Day Old Chicks
- White Leghorn hatching eggs
- Blue Cuckoo Marans Chickens
- Sage Gem Bantams
- Silver Spangled Hamburg
Unavailable for 2025 (will be back 2026):
- Sebastapol Geese
- Super African Geese
- Large Dewlap Geese
- Buff Toulouse Geese
- Rainbow Rangers hatched onsite
New Breeds:
- Silked Easter Egger Chickens (MH exclusive)
- Basque Hen Chickens
- White Leghorn Chickens - dropshipped
- Calico Cochin Bantam Chickens
- Cuckoo Silkie Bantam Chickens
- White Dorking Bantam Chickens
- Red Dorking Bantam Chickens
- Silver Gray Dorking Chickens
- Cornish SR, MRK, COCCI - dropshipped
- White Ranger Broilers
- Celadon Quail Hatching Eggs
- Started Celadon Quail, breeder set of 10
Policy Changes:
- Clarification on the Gender Accuracy Policy:
- For a sexing error on a meat bird, we will refund the price difference only.
- Clarification on the Product Quality Policy
- Adjusted time frame on HEs for RO from 7 to 5 days
Other Changes:
- Increased shipping rates across the board due to the new USPS perishable surcharge.
- Hatch day cut off 11:30am
- Blue Sex-Link Easter Egger Bantams may have feathered legs and a crest.
- Price reductions:
- Blue (BB) Birchen Marans
- Black Split to Lavender Orpingtons
- Frizzle (FS) Sapphire Jewel (MH Exclusive)
- Partridge Penedesenca
- No longer MH exclusive
- Production Pack now includes Black Sex Link as a possibility
- Production Pack no longer includes White Leghorns as a possibility
- Minimum 10 on all assortments
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