We are also concerned for the well-being of our chicks, not only for their sake but for yours as well. We consider the entire route of their journey, from the weather to how many we require as a minimum during certain times of the year. We also establish minimums to help them keep each other warm depending on the time of year.
Chicks are delicate but they also have great resilience and the amazing capability to absorb nutrients from incubation after hatching for the duration of shipping. This is a trait instilled in chicks from emergence, as it may take extra time for the mother hen to hatch the remaining eggs of the clutch, then once she is no longer bound to hatching she can forage with her young flock. For this reason and with the experience of our shipping specialists: our chicks do well in shipping.
We understand even with the healthiest of chicks that things can happen, so we do have a 48-hour livability policy. This policy covers your chicks during shipping and 48-hours from pickup time. Please contact the Meyer Hatchery Support Team or fill out our loss reporting form should you incur a loss during this time frame. Exception: Orders that are not picked up within 8 hours of arrival at the Post Office, forfeit Meyer Hatchery’s 48-Hour Livability Policy. See our Policy page for more details.
1 comment
Are my chicks vaccinated for any diseases?
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