Shop the Meyer Hatchery website to order turkey poults online.
We offer several choices when it comes to turkeys to raise for meat and 4-H. Here are three key points to consider when comparing Meyer Hatchery's new Signature Broad Breasted Turkeys to our traditional Broad-Breasted Turkeys.
Slower Growth
Meyer Hatchery's Signature Broad Breasted Turkeys are broad-breasted turkeys with some characteristics of the heritage turkey breeds. The Signature turkeys will grow at a slightly slower rate than our traditional broad-breasted turkeys, which means they’ll also consume feed at a slower pace.
Smaller Overall
Meyer Hatchery's Signature Broad Breasted Turkeys average around 20 pounds at 20 weeks, which is still a decent-sized turkey. A smaller turkey means it will fit through the coop’s pop doors more easily while they are growing. Turkeys generally need a larger door than chickens, so if you plan to house turkeys with chickens, you may want to consider how the turkeys will navigate in your space.
Cannot Breed Naturally
Remember that, like the broad-breasted turkeys, Meyer Hatchery's Signature Broad Breasted Turkeys cannot naturally breed to produce more poults for you. If you want a turkey flock that is a smaller bird that you can let reproduce more poults, we suggest trying the Midget White Heritage Turkeys.
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