Exotic ducks are available in the fall after it is cool enough to safely ship until they are sold out. Shop our website for Exotic Ducks.
How are exotic ducks shipped?
Exotic ducks are shipped via USPS Priority mail express. They will ship weekly on Wednesdays and arrive typically in 1-2 days. Pick your birds up promptly from the post office to minimize stress.
How do I house my exotic ducks?
Exotic ducks will need to be put into a covered aviary or pen with food and swimming water, at least during a period of acclimation even if they are pinioned. A stressed-out duck can run and jump over a fence even without using its wings to fly. After the period of acclimation, which can be a few days to weeks depending on the species, you may then introduce them to your existing pond. Meyer Hatchery recommends that your ducks be in a covered aviary for their safety.
What is the difference in wings being pinioned, clipped, or flying?
Pinioning is a surgical procedure that renders your duck flightless. Flying means their wings have been unaltered. Clipped wings are an in-between--their flight feathers have been clipped to temporarily prevent them from flying. The flight feathers will grow back in. This is often done to help with acclimation.
What temperature range can I keep exotic ducks?
Exotic ducks are hardy to all types of temperatures. However, in sub-freezing weather, you will need to provide your ducks with bedding such as hay and adequate shelter to protect them from the elements.
What do exotic ducks eat?
Ducks are omnivores and will eat vegetation in and around the pond, as well as tadpoles, insects, small fish, frogs, and more. You can also supplement any type of greens (grasses or produce) as well as a commercial waterfowl feed.
What is the proper name for exotic ducks of different genders and ages?
A male duck is called a drake, females are called ducks, and babies are called ducklings.
Can I own an exotic duck where I live?
Please check with your local fish and game department for any permits needed or possible restrictions. Meyer Hatchery is not able to advise, answer questions, or obtain a permit for you.
How old are juvenile exotic ducks? Breeder age exotic ducks?
Exotic ducks are considered juvenile between 6 and 12 months of age. They are hatched out in the Spring and then available in the fall. Those that are available in the fall will be closer to 6 months. Breeder age is considered to be 1 year and older.
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