The short answer is no, your baby chick does not have worms. Various types of normal stool can appear as intestinal parasites/worms:
- Intestinal shed happens while the chicks are quickly growing. The intestinal shed is sometimes mistaken as worms due to the tubular shape of the lining and may be found separated or mixed in with off-color stool.
- Another possibility for a worm-looking discharge is a thin stool. Sometimes chicks will have a small stool that resembles a worm in shape. This is a thin stool and should not cause alarm.
Due to the life cycle of the most common parasites, it can take 30+ days after exposure for signs of an infestation. Exposure only occurs if the chicks are outside or exposed to the parasite. This can not happen if they are in a properly maintained brooder space, and have not been exposed to ground contact or other chickens. A fecal test may be needed to confirm the presence and type of parasite.
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