There are nine recognized types (or shapes) of combs found in chickens in the US. You can shop for over 160 different chicken breeds and hybrids on the Meyer Hatchery website.
- Buttercup: The comb is named after the only breed that has this type of comb which is the Sicilian Buttercup.
- Carnation: This comb is similar to a single, but has additional points that stick out horizontally at the back of the comb. This type of comb is found only in the Penedesenca and the Empordanesa.
- Cushion: This is an uncommon comb. It resembles a reduced-size version of the Strawberry Comb. The most common breed of chicken with this comb is the Chantecler. Great for northern climates.
- Strawberry: This comb resembles a round ball, somewhat like a strawberry, that is located just above the nostrils. One breed that carries the Strawberry comb is a Malay.
- Single Comb: This comb is upright with points at the peak. Breeds with the Single Comb include Plymouth Rock, Favorelle and Leghorns. This type of comb can be prone to suffer frostbite in northern climates.
- Pea: This comb is small and placed closer to the head. It is the best comb for areas with frigid winter temperatures. Breeds that have this comb include Buckeyes, Ameraucanas and Brahmas.
- Rose Comb: This type of comb is wider than the average comb, while still being kept relatively close to the head with small points. You will see this comb on Wyandottes, Dominiques, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, as well as, various bantam breeds.
- Walnut: This type of comb resembles a walnut in that it is round with ruffling to the surface such as the shell of a walnut. The most common breed for this is a Silkie.
- V- Comb: It is also known as the Devil’s Horn. As the name suggests, the shape is a bit of a V that resembles horns. Breeds include Sultans, Polish and Mottled Houdans.
Read more on our blog and watch our YouTube video covering combs in more depth.
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