When Can I Expect My Poultry Order To Arrive?




  • Heidi Hughes

    Really disappointed just call regarding an order of 30 birds and was told I’m sorry we are having a hatching issue we were going to try to call everyone next ship date is August 6th !!! I ordered in February !! They did offer a refund or later ship date but still annoyed I planned time off to be available to pick the chicks up and ensure proper care and now I have burnt my time and need to try to make arrangements for August when
    Everyone wants to be on vacation! You would think a big hatchery would plan for losses of Mother Nature in there calculations of available birds. Just annoyed 😒

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  • George Gardner

    Heidi, I know its annoying when hatcheries have issues, the old saying of dont work with children or animals springs to mind, but sometimes these issues happen which leaves people disappointed. I have to say though Meyer are one of the best hatcheries and communication is great from them. Im not connected to them in any way but I get lots of good first hand feedback about them through my poultry blog.

    Hopefully your now all sorted and have a lovely backyard flock, producing you loads of lovely eggs! Enjoy 

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