The reality is that times are changing. Many of us are finding resources are harder to come by or take longer to obtain and prices are rising steadily. This includes feed. Here are some ways to cut down on feed costs when times are tough.
Fermenting Feed
- Birds will not eat as much due to increased nutrient density.
- Reduces sugar content in the feed naturally.
- Easier to digest.
- Boosts the immune system.
View our Tips For Making Fermented Chicken Feed.
Free Range
- Providing a good quality feed is always a top priority but allowing your flock to free-range allows your flock to supplement their diet with natural bugs, grass, seeds, etc.
- Your coop and run will stay cleaner longer.
- Allows for healthy exercise and stimulation.
Purchase Bulk Feed
- Many times local feed mills will offer a discount on feed if you purchase a certain amount, whether it is a specific number of pounds or by the pallet.
Make Your Own Feed
Mixing your own feed may be a money saver depending on the availability of resources in your location. There are so many recipes available that use a variety of ingredients but one of our favorites comes from Lisa Steele over at Fresh Eggs Daily.
Grow Fodder
- Inexpensive to grow a large amount.
- Nutritious supplement that will help cut down on feed costs.
- Provides your flock with year-round access to fresh greens.
Check out our YouTube video on Growing Sprouted Grains For Your Flock.
Food Scraps
- Offering food scraps to your flock cuts down on waste and saves you money on feed.
- Helps to provide well-balanced nutrition.
- Produce waste can often be picked up from grocery stores or restaurants, or simply supplement from your own kitchen.
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